grads with dods
Kai Grunau
kgrunau at IFM-GEOMAR.DE
Thu Oct 12 09:45:18 EDT 2006
Patrice Dumas wrote:
> I have uploaded a tarball with some changes in the configure system
> and some patches integrated, which should be able to detect newer
> libdap versions (not sure about the 3.7.x, though):
> Some people were successfull with that tarball on different linux distros.
thanks for the tar file.
I have to copy the libraries needed for "./configure --with-nc
--with-dods --with-hdf --with-readline"
in a subdirectory called supplibs/lib
ls supplibs/lib
libdap++.a libjpeg.a libnc-dods.a librx.a libtclstub8.3.a
libtkstub8.3.a libwww.a
libdf.a libmfhdf.a libnetcdf.a libtcl8.3.a libtk8.3.a
libudunits.a libz.a
GrADS 1.9b4 : Built Thu Oct 12 15:34:07 CEST 2006 for i686-pc-linux-gnu
| Configuration Summary
| - readline disabled
| - printim disabled
| - GUI disabled
| + LATS enabled
| - wi disabled (default)
| Build Summary
| + gradsc (classic) enabled
| + gradsnc (netCDF) enabled
| + gradshdf (HDF-SDS) enabled
| + gradsdods (OPeNDAP) enabled
| (grid interface only)
| - Dynamic linking disabled
The only way I know to create the libwww.a is to "configure, make" the
DODS 3.2 packages.
The make command in tthe grads directory created the binaries
gradsc,gradsnc, gradshdf, gribmap, gxeps, gxps, stnmap, wgrib, gribscan,
bufrscan and stopped with :
g++ -g -O2 -o gradsdods grads.o gxsubs.o gxmeta.o gxchpl.o gxcntr.o
gxstrm.o gxwmap.o gxshad.o gaexpr.o gafunc.o gautil.o gagx.o gscrpt.o
gamach.o bufrstn.o gabufr.o gabufrtbl.o gxX.o gxdxwd.o galats.o
lats.o latsint.o latsgrib.o latstime.o latsstat.o fgbds.o fgutil.o
latsgribmap.o gagmap.o gaddes-dods.o gacfg-dods.o gaio-dods.o
gauser-dods.o gasdf-dods.o -L.././supplibs/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib
-lSM -lICE -lX11 -lnc-dods -ldap++ -lnc-dods -ldap++
.././supplibs/lib/libudunits.a .././supplibs/lib/libwww.a
.././supplibs/lib/librx.a .././supplibs/lib/libz.a latsnc-dods.o -lm
.././supplibs/lib/libdap++.a(HTTPConnect.o)(.text+0x7aa): In function
`HTTPConnect::~HTTPConnect [in-charge deleting]()':
other advices ?
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