gxeps problem

Eric Salathé salathe at WASHINGTON.EDU
Mon May 22 17:47:24 EDT 2006

When grads renders solid fill in plots, it draws horizontal bands
across the whole frame (you can see this if you open the EPS file in
Adobe Illustrator or similar vector drawing program). The lines you are
seeing are just gaps between bands, which really should't be displayed.
So different software may or may not show these lines.  The lines won't
show when printed.

As Jeff suggests, using ImageMagik "convert" with the +antialias option
to produce a png file is one way around this. gs also works, as in:
   gs -sDEVICE=x11 -dBATCH -r150 file.eps
To display in an X window
   gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=png16m -r150 -sOutputFile=file.png
to convert to png (or similar options for tiff or whatever).


On May 22, 2006, at 6:57 AM, Daniel G Kingston wrote:

> Dear Grads users
> When I use gxeps to create an eps file of a shaded grads plot (i.e. as
> opposed to a contour plot), a series of parallel horizontal lines are
> added to the eps image. These do not appear in the grads viewing
> window or in the grads metafile image. Can anyone tell me how to stop
> gxeps doing this?
> I am using grads on windows 2000, the version is:
> Config: v1.8SL11 32-bit little-endian readline sdf/xdf netcdf
> DODS-enabled lats printim
> thanks,
> Daniel Kingston.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> Daniel Kingston
> School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Science
> University of Birmingham
> Birmingham
> B15 2TT
> UK
> Tel. +44 121 414 5682
> Email dgk366 at bham.ac.uk
> http://www.gees.bham.ac.uk/people/phd.asp?offset=40&ID=422
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
Eric Salathé
Climate Impacts Group             <salathe at washington.edu>
University of Washington

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