combine multiple files

Mandelli Alessandro mandelli.alessandro at TISCALI.IT
Thu May 4 15:03:52 EDT 2006

Marck Oduber ha scritto:
> Hi how do I get to combine multiple grib files into 1,
> so i can be used by Grads? I am using windows version.
> For example I want to combine these two grib files into one (gfs.grb)
> gfs.t12z.master.grbf60
> gfs.t12z.master.grbf72

In windows is difficult, unless you find a ported version of cat.
This is the command

cat gfs* > assembly.grb
perl assembly.grb assembly.ctl
gribmap -e -i assembly.ctl

then run grads and open assembly.ctl

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