Exporting to Excel...

Cottet, Loic (IFPRI) l.cottet at CGIAR.ORG
Wed Jun 7 17:55:39 EDT 2006

Thank you everyone for your help,

I am glad I understood better the script, their function and use thanks to
you (Diane particularly).
I have written one script then to export data and make them readable in

Hereunder the script:

'sdfopen data\mrso1.nc'
'set lat 20'
'set lon 55'
'set z 1'
'set t 1 12'
'set gxout print'
'd mrso'

The youyou file does not create. It does though when I want the average
(see my attached excel results):

'sdfopen data\mrso1.nc'
'set lat 20 25'
'set lon 52 55'
'set z 1'
'set t 1 12'
'define m1 = ave(mrso.1,t=1,t=601)'
'set gxout print'
'd m1'

So, I have 2 questions:
*1st one related to the first script: why can't I have a file created when
I ask to export for each step of time. Indeed, I would like to have for
each grid, a monthly value during my period of time mentionned, do you
know what I mean?
*2nd question: why in Excel the numbers are so big (x*e25, or so small x*e-
17). What are those numbers?

Thanks a lot for your cooperation,

Loic Cottet

Research Fellow on Climate Change and Impacts on Agriculture

Under Liangzhi You's Supervising

IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute)

Tel. 202 862 4619

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