format error in user defined function tab le:

Diane Stokes Diane.Stokes at NOAA.GOV
Wed Jun 7 10:57:05 EDT 2006

Dear Li Tao,

Check your regrid2 entry in /disk2/taoli/soft/grads/udf/udft.

It should look something like:

regrid2 1 8 expr value value char value value value value

but with "/home/myhome/grads/udf/regrid2" replaced by the location of
your regrid2 executable.


tudousi_2000 wrote:
> Dear Grads user:
> I am trying to install udf file regrid2 on the platform Linux ia64.
> My shell script is following:
> PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/lib/grads:/usr/local/lib/grads/bin:/usr/local/lib/grads/dat:/disk2/taoli/soft/ncl/
> bin:$PATH"
> export GADDIR=/usr/local/lib/grads/dat
> export GAUDFT=/disk2/taoli/soft/grads/udf/udft
> export PATH
> But I cann't use regrid2. when I type gradsc, then ENTER, the error
> message is:
> format error in user defined function table:
> processing function name : regrid2
> file name is /disk2/taoli/soft/grads/udf/udft
> Could anyone give me some suggestion? Is it because the machine is 64 bit?
> Thanks !
> Li Tao

Diane Stokes
Environmental Modeling Center
National Weather Service/NOAA

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