BUG? [was Re: MM5toGrADS]
Eric Salathé
Mon Jun 5 15:24:24 EDT 2006
On May 26, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Hristina Kirova wrote:
> I am trying to run MM5 with 5 domains and I have problem with the
> finest one.But when I tried to vizualize DOMAIN5 with GrADS, using
> MM5toGrADS there is something strange with specific longitudes around -
> 112.For example
> ga-> set lon -112.2
> LON set to -112.202 -112.202
> ga-> d t
> Data Request Error: Invalid grid coordinates
> World coordinates convert to non-integer grid coordinates
> Variable = t Dimension = 0
> Error ocurred at column 1
> DISPLAY error: Invalid expression
> Expression = t
It appears that GrADs has a lower limit to the grid size it can handle,
which would be a bug. Can anyone confirm this? Hristina's CTL file has
the following:
dset ^MMOUT.dat
title MM5 data
undef -9999.
pdef 120 120 lcc 32.91 -112.76 1.00 1.00 30.00 60.00
-110.00 1000. 1000.
xdef 297 linear -112.80 0.0045
ydef 249 linear 32.91 0.0045
zdef 23 levels
It is easy to test this in isolation with a generic real*4 array in the
.dat file and varying the grid spacing in the CTL file.
Make a data file like this:
program test_file
integer, parameter :: nx=297, ny=249
real :: data(nx,ny)
do ix = 1, nx
do jy=1,ny
data(ix,jy) = ix*jy
end do
end do
open (unit=1,file='test_data.dat',access='direct', recl=nx*ny*4)
write(1,rec=1) data
close (1)
end program test_file
And this ctl file:
dset ^test_data.dat
undef -9999.
xdef 297 linear -112.80 0.0045
ydef 249 linear 32.91 0.0045
zdef 1 levels 0
tdef 1 linear 00:00Z11JAN2006 1hr
vars 1
t 0 99 temerature
open in grads and "set x 134" followed by "d t" I get
Data Request Error: Invalid grid coordinates
World coordinates convert to non-integer grid coordinates
Variable = t Dimension = 0
Error ocurred at column 1
DISPLAY error: Invalid expression
Expression = t
Simply change 0.0045 to 0.045 in xdef and ydef, and it works as
On May 26, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Hristina Kirova wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to run MM5 with 5 domains and I have problem with the
> finest one.But when I tried to vizualize DOMAIN5 with GrADS, using
> MM5toGrADS there is something strange with specific longitudes around -
> 112.For example
> ga-> set lon -112.2
> LON set to -112.202 -112.202
> ga-> d t
> Data Request Error: Invalid grid coordinates
> World coordinates convert to non-integer grid coordinates
> Variable = t Dimension = 0
> Error ocurred at column 1
> DISPLAY error: Invalid expression
> Expression = t
> The same is situation with longitudes -112 and -112.1.These longitudes
> are in the middle of the domain5 and there are not inside of
> particular
> grid cell.All other data for different from these lon are OK.
> I sent my problem to mm5 users list but they wrote to me that there is
> nothing wrong with my MMOUT_DOMAIN5 file and it is may be a problem
> which have to be send to the grads users list.
> In MM5toGrads there is a possibility to prepare a GrADS file only for 1
> point.So I used
> ga-> query w2gr -112 33
> Xdim = 178.778 Ydim = 21.0001
> and put this values in mm5_to_gradsc.csh:
> ............................
> ! IFSKEW=0 will write fully 3-D data
> ! IFSKEW=1 will write out data at 1 grid point only.
> ISKW=178.778 ! the i point (in N-S direction)
> JSKW=21.0001 ! the j point (in E-W direction)
> ..............
> and with so created file it is possible to be ploted different
> variables.
> I put my MMOUT_DOMAIN5.gz on ftp://ftp.meteo.bg/incoming/
> Can someone help me to solve this problem?
> Thank you very much
> Hristina
> --
> National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (http://www.meteo.bg/)
Eric Salathé
Climate Impacts Group <salathe at washington.edu>
University of Washington
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