problem with labels

Subodh Kumar Saha ssaha at AWI-POTSDAM.DE
Thu Jul 27 12:55:44 EDT 2006

Dear Arpita,

One possibility would be to use land-sea mask data. If you have binary
file of that, replace Ocean point values by a negative number and then
use it in the "maskout" function.

if 's' is the variable where sea points are negative and land points are
positive (e.g. -1 for all sea points and + 1 for all land points) then,

 d maskout( precipitation, s)

will show the precipitation over land only, other points will be treated
like undefined values.


The all negative valus

Arpita Mandal wrote:

>i have a binary file of precipitation data for whole world. when i plot in
>grads for india i give the lat and lon by set lat and set lon.
>now over india i want only the land mass not the oceans.
>how do i do those
>     Dr Arpita Mandal
>     Post Doctoral Fellow
>     Planetary and Geosciences Division
>     Physical Research Laboratory
>     Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009
>     Gujarat, India
>     Tel No:07926314260
>     Mob No:09427321259
>     Email:arpita at
>           arpita_mandal2000 at


Subodh Kumar Saha
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar & Marine Research
Telegrafenberg A43
D-14473 Potsdam, Germany

ssaha at
subodhsaha at
Phone: +49 331 2882116
Fax:   +49 331 2882178

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