problem with labels

Mary Jo Nath Mary-Jo.Nath at NOAA.GOV
Thu Jul 27 12:24:45 EDT 2006

If you use "set clevs" and "set ccols" to define the shading and contour
levels and colors, then you
can first plot the shaded field, then draw the contours over that in the
same color so the contours won't
show up, but the labels will.  The contour labels will by default be the
same colors as the contours, however.
You can cause the labels to be one color using "set clopts" command.

ex: (if 'var' ranges from, say, -1.2 to +1.2)
set gxout shaded
set clevs -1 -.5  0 .5 1
set ccols 2 3 4 5 6 7
d var
set gxout contour
set clopts 1
set clevs -1 -.5 0 .5 1
set ccols 2 3 4 5 6 7
d var

Mary Jo

enrico pisoni wrote:
> Dears,
> I would like to draw with grads an image with:
> - shaded fields of temperature
> - labels for the same temperature fields
> I'd like to do it, but without drawing temperature contours...
> is it possible?
> Thanks
> Bye
> Enrico

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