Adding confidence intervals to a line plot

bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK
Tue Jul 18 05:30:50 EDT 2006

you could try some thing like this:

 p1 is some time series

ga-> d p1
ga-> define p1o=p1+0.15
Define memory allocation size = 112 bytes

+0.15 could be much more closely related to your confidence intervall
(fraction of sigma, if gaussian)
to define your upper bound
ga-> define p1u=p1-0.15
Define memory allocation size = 112 bytes

to define your lower bound

and here is the magic:

ga-> set lfcols 9 13
LineFill Colors: Above = 9  Below = 13
ga-> set vrange 24 28
1-D axis limits set: 24 to 28
ga-> d p1;p1o
ga-> set lfcols 4 6
LineFill Colors: Above = 4  Below = 6
ga-> d p1u;p1

Good luck!


On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 23:53, Stephens, A (Ag) wrote:
> Dear all,
> Does anyone have a GRADS script that can shade confidence intervals on a
> single line graph?
> Thanks,
> Ag Stephens
Bernd Becker   The Monthly Outlook
Met Office  FitzRoy Road  Exeter   Devon EX1 3PB  United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 1392 884511 Fax: +44 (0)870 900 5050
E-mail:bernd.becker at -

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