Help on grib format

Li,Guilong [Ontario] Guilong.Li at EC.GC.CA
Tue Jul 11 12:55:43 EDT 2006

Hi Everyone

I am trying to read the DDC grib format data by using GrADS. After
generating the ctl file by using, I have a problem on using
the gribmap.

Here is the error message

E:\ddc>gribmap -i gfdl.ctl
Open Error:  Looking for ENDVARS statement
             Instead, found:
  --> The invalid description file record is:
  --> endvars

  The data file was not opened.
File name is:  gfdl.ctl

And the ctl file is

dset ^GFCM20_SRA2_1_G_tas_1-1200.grb
index ^GFCM20_SRA2_1_G_tas_1-1200.grb.idx
undef 9.999E+20
title GFCM20_SRA2_1_G_tas_1-1200.grb
*  produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p34b
dtype grib 255
ydef 90 linear -89.000000 2
xdef 144 linear 1.250000 2.500000
tdef 142 linear 00Z01jan2001 258dy
zdef 1 linear 1 1
vars 1
TMPsfc  0 11,1,512  ** surface Temp. [K]

Anyone can help me. Thanks.


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