Extracting Variables Using Wgrib

Kristian Nilssen knilssen at WEATHER3000.COM
Fri Jan 27 15:38:30 EST 2006

can you not do something like...
wgrib -s grib_file | egrep "(:UGRD:SEA:|:VGRD:SEA:)" | wgrib -i -grib \
          grib_file -o new_grib_file

...just include the level in other words.


Scott Weaver wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to extract a subset of variables from a grib file.  For
> instance U and V winds.  The original file has pressure level U and V
> winds which I am interested in.  These are called UGRDprs and VGRDprs.
> The file also has several other types of U and V winds which I am
> not interested in.  (UGRD10m, UGRDhbl etc.)  when I scan the grib file
> anything that is U or V wind is always referred to as just UGRD and VGRD
> and not the more specific variable name.  When I do:
> wgrib -s grib_file | egrep "(:UGRD:|:VGRD:)" | wgrib -i -grib \
>           grib_file -o new_grib_file
> It extracts all types of U and V winds.  My question is:
> Is there a way to further refine the selection so that only the pressure
> level U and V winds are extracted.  Thank you for your suggestions.
> Regards,
> Scott
> ______________________________________________
> Scott J. Weaver
> PhD Candidate
> Graduate Research Assistant
> Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
> University of Maryland
> College Park, MD 20742
> 301-785-7201
> sweaver at atmos.umd.edu

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