Help me in retreving U,V wind data from .nc to ascii ( a request)

Heiner Körnich heiner at MISU.SU.SE
Fri Jan 13 11:03:18 EST 2006


I have sent the stuff to your mail.

you are welcome.

jayaprakash raju wrote:
> Dear sir
>         I am new Grads user,I am not aware of using
> Grads windows version, i am full bussy in submission
> of my thesis by the end of this month, but the
> following wind data is highly required,
> so i request your help in retreving netcdf file to
> ascii mode.
> I am herewith attaching two wind data files each
> containing 4 days data(U,V velocity) downloaded from
> ECMWF-40 years reanalysis,the file formatt is like
> this
> netcdf (40 years reanalysis)
> Region: Gadanki(13.5N,79.2E,0S,0W)
> Type of level: Pressure levels
> Date: 2001-03-21 to 2001-03-25
> Time: 18:00:00 UT
> Parameter: U velocity, V velocity
> Level: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50 mb.
>          The first file contains 4 days of wind data
> (21-25March2001) and the second file contains 4 days
> of wind data (20-24 March 2000) at time of 18 UT.
>          I request anybody can help me in retreving
> and send me ascii data for the calculation of Rnumber
> at stratopause region.I am highly grateful and
> thankful for your kind help in this regard.
>                     Thanking you.
>                                 U.Jaya Prakash Raju
>                                 Research Scholor
>                                 Dept. of Physics
>                                 Sri Venkateswara university                                     Tirupati,Andhra
> Pradesh,INDIA.
> e-mail:ujpraju02 at
> Send instant messages to your online friends

Heiner Körnich
Dept. of Meteorology                    Tel:    +46 8 164333
Stockholms University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden             Email:  heiner at

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