read binary Quickscat

Kobi Mosquera kobi at CHAVIN.IGP.GOB.PE
Tue Feb 28 12:17:48 EST 2006

Hi Diego,

Yes, it is difficult to read the data using the example FORTRAN code in the readme
file. I think, the problem are two things: the big_endian form and the sequential

In your FORTRAN compiler you must find the correct options in the
OPEN statement.

I read that data with the following code in FORTRAN (COMPAQ):

      real u(720,301),v(720,301)

      open(1,file="05070112.nrt", access="sequential",status="old",
     & form="unformatted",convert="big_endian")

      read(1) u
      read(1) v

      write(*,*) u(100,100)
      write(*,*) v(100,100)


Good luck,


On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 15:41:21 +0100, diego wrote
> hi all:
> I want to read the binary data of Quickscat
>  with Fortran :
> ......
> parameter (l=720,m=301)
> character*80 infile
> real u(l,m),v(l,m)
> infile = '2005/05070112.nrt'
> #open(1,file=infile,form='unformatted',status='old',access='direct',recl=l*m)
> open(1,file=infile,form='unformatted',status='old')
> read(1,rec=1) ((u(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m)
> read(1,rec=2) ((v(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m)
> close(1)
>  but I have errors.
> ./a.out
>  k========= 1
> start: end of file
> apparent state: unit 10 named 2005/05070112.nrt
> lately reading sequential unformatted external IO
> Abortado
> somebody can help me?
> thanks
>     Diego
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Kobi A. Mosquera Vásquez
Centro de Predicción Numérica del Tiempo y Clima (CPNTC)
Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP)

Calle Badajoz N° 169 – 171
Urbanización Mayorazgo,IV Etapa
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Telefax (51) 1 3172326

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