Error opening meta file

Katherin Kullgren kullgren at CRCES.ORG
Mon Aug 21 09:14:01 EDT 2006

Hello to all:

I have been sucessfully running all of my script files from my workstation.  A mount from my MAC
has recently been created to my workstation so I do not have to ssh from my MAC.  After running
my script files from my MAC I ran into a few problems.  First I had to include an OPTIONS
byteswapped into my control file, that solved my data problem.  But not I am trying to create a
hardcopy output file using the
'enable print year'
'disable print'

commands.  Upon execution, I keep getting the error

No hardcopy metafile open
All files closed; all defined objects released
All GrADS attributes have been reinitialized
Error opening meta file year
Metafile not currently open
No hardcopy metafile open

So no hardcopy is created.  Does anyone have experience with this error, or working from a MAC X
window?  Do I need to add or change anything else in my control file to fix this problem?
Thanks for your help!

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