problem with grib2ctl
Wesley Ebisuzaki
wesley.ebisuzaki at NOAA.GOV
Fri Sep 23 09:19:11 EDT 2005
The file format is fine except the variables don't have names. Anybody
have a list of names for ecmwf grib table 162?
Stefan L wrote:
> Dear Wesley,
> I don't know if it will help you :
> here is the table n°162 for ECMWF re-analysis, ERA 40
> in a .csv format
> have a nice day.
> Best regards from Stefan
> Wesley Ebisuzaki a écrit :
>> Mario,
>> ECMWF grib table 162 has not been added to wgrib as indicated by the
>> error message. The ECMWF web
>> site has the table but it doesn't include names. If someone has the
>> table with (semi-)official names in the
>> suggested format, I'll be happy to update the wgrib source code.
>> For the time being, the control file probably works. You just have
>> to remember to
>> "d albedo" to see the divergence.
>> Wesley Ebisuzaki
>> suggested format: ascii text file, parameter-number:name:description
>> [units]
>> 0:name:comment
>> 1:name:comment
>> ...
>> 255:name:comment
>> mario frangipane wrote:
>>> I do not succeed to transform some ".grib" file (reanalysis data,
>>> downloaded by ECMWF site) for GrADS.
>>> For example, for vertical vapor flux divergence (0.5 x 0.5 grid,
>>> reanalysis), the "wgrib" command finds ALBEDO (not divergence!), and
>>> the output of "grib2ctl" is:
>>> "undefined parameter table (center 98-0 table 162), using NECP-opn".
>>> Therefore, the ".ctl" file is not corrected, and I cannot create the
>>> ".grib.idx" file.
>>> Someone can help me?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mario
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>"Code":"Field description":"Units":"Comments"
>"1 to 50":"Unused":"-":"-"
>51:"Surface geopotential":"m**2 s**-2":"-"
>52:"Surface pressure":"Pa":"-"
>53:"Vertical integral of mass of atmosphere":"kg m**-2":"-"
>54:"Vertical integral of temperature":"K kg m**-2":"-"
>55:"Vertical integral of total column water vapour":"kg m**-2":"-"
>56:"Vertical integral of total column liquid cloud water":"kg m**-2":"-"
>57:"Vertical integral of total column frozen cloud water":"kg m**-2":"-"
>58:"Vertical integral of total column ozone":"kg m**-2":"-"
>59:"Vertical integral of kinetic energy":"J m**-2":"-"
>60:"Vertical integral of thermal energy":"J m**-2":"-"
>61:"Vertical integral of dry static energy":"J m**-2":"-"
>62:"Vertical integral of moist static energy":"J m**-2":"-"
>63:"Vertical integral of total energy":"J m**-2":"-"
>64:"Vertical integral of energy conversion":"W m**-2":"-"
>65:"Vertical integral of eastward mass flux":"kg m**-1 s**-1":"-"
>66:"Vertical integral of northward mass flux":"kg m**-1 s**-1":"-"
>67:"Vertical integral of eastward kinetic energy flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>68:"Vertical integral of northward kinetic energy flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>69:"Vertical integral of eastward heat flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>70:"Vertical integral of northward heat flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>71:"Vertical integral of eastward water vapour flux":"kg m**-1 s**-1":"-"
>72:"Vertical integral of northward water vapour flux":"kg m**-1 s**-1":"-"
>73:"Vertical integral of eastward geopotential flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>74:"Vertical integral of northward geopotential flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>75:"Vertical integral of eastward total energy flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>76:"Vertical integral of northward total energy flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>77:"Vertical integral of eastward ozone flux":"kg m**-1 s**-1":"-"
>78:"Vertical integral of northward ozone flux":"kg m**-1 s**-1":"-"
>"79 to 80":"Unused":"-":"-"
>81:"Vertical integral of divergence of mass flux":"kg m**-2 s**-1":"-"
>82:"Vertical integral of divergence of kinetic energy flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>83:"Vertical integral of divergence of thermal energy flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>84:"Vertical integral of divergence of moisture flux":"kg m**-2 s**-1":"-"
>85:"Vertical integral of divergence of geopotential flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>86:"Vertical integral of divergence of total energy flux":"W m**-2":"-"
>87:"Vertical integral of divergence of ozone flux":"kg m**-2 s**-1":"-"
>"88 to 99":"Unused":"-":"-"
>100:"Tendency of short wave radiation":"K":"-"
>101:"Tendency of long wave radiation":"K":"-"
>102:"Tendency of clear sky short wave radiation":"K":"-"
>103:"Tendency of clear sky long wave radiation":"K":"-"
>104:"Updraught mass flux":"kg m**-2":"Model half levels"
>105:"Downdraught mass flux":"kg m**-2":"Model half levels"
>106:"Updraught detrainment rate":"kg m**-3":"Model half levels"
>107:"Downdraught detrainment rate":"kg m**-3":"Model half levels"
>108:"Total precipitation flux":"kg m**-2":"Model half levels"
>109:"Turbulent diffusion coefficient for heat":"m**2":"Model half levels"
>110:"Tendency of temperature":"K":"-"
>111:"Tendency of specific humidity":"kg kg**-1":"-"
>112:"Tendency of u component":"m s**-1":"-"
>113:"Tendency of v component":"m s**-1":"-"
>"114 to 205":"Unused":"-":"-"
>206:"Variance of geopotential":"m**4 s**-4":"-"
>207:"Covariance of geopotential/temperature":"m**2 K s**-2":"-"
>208:"Variance of temperature":"K**2":"-"
>209:"Covariance of geopotential/specific humidity":"m**2 s**-2":"-"
>210:"Covariance of temperature/specific humidity":"K":"-"
>211:"Variance of specific humidity":"-":"-"
>212:"Covariance of u component/geopotential":"M**3 s**-3":"-"
>213:"Covariance of u component/temperature":"m s**-1 K":"-"
>214:"Covariance of u component/specific humidity":"m s**-1":"-"
>215:"Variance of u component":"m**2 s**-2":"-"
>216:"Covariance of v component/geopotential":"M**3 s**-3":"-"
>217:"Covariance of v component/temperaure":"m s**-1 K":"-"
>218:"Covariance of v component/specific humidity":"m s**-1":"-"
>219:"Covariance of v component/u component":"m**2 s**-2":"-"
>220:"Variance of v component":"m**2 s**-2":"-"
>221:"Covariance of omega/geopotential":"m**2 Pa s**-3":"-"
>222:"Covariance of omega/temperature":"Pa s**-1 K":"-"
>223:"Covariance of omega/specific humidity":"Pa s**-1":"-"
>224:"Covariance of omega/u component":"m Pa s**-2":"-"
>225:"Covariance of omega/v component":"m Pa s**-2":"-"
>226:"Variance of omega":"Pa**2 s**-2":"-"
>227:"Variance of surface pressure":"Pa**2":"-"
>229:"Variance of relative humidity":"dimensionless":"-"
>230:"Covariance of u component/ozone":"m s**-1":"-"
>231:"Covariance of v component/ozone":"m s**-1":"-"
>232:"Covariance of omega/ozone":"Pa s**-1":"-"
>233:"Variance of ozone":"dimensionless":"-"
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