problem with grib2ctl

mario frangipane frangix at YAHOO.IT
Fri Sep 23 06:59:18 EDT 2005

Dear Davide,
Thanks you!
Now I suceed to create ".grib.idx" file and I can use GrADS.
(grazie mille!!!)


Davide Sacchetti <davide.sacchetti at ARPAL.ORG> ha scritto:
try to use gribmap -e
or gribmap -E
hoping it helps

On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 11:30 +0200, mario frangipane wrote:
> Dear Wesley,
> I wanted to spcecify that the "grib2ctl" script indicates the error
> "undefined parameter table (center 98-0 table 162), using NECP-opn",
> but it creates however the ".ctl" file.
> But the "gribmap" command it does not write the ".grib.idx" file.
> The output of "gribmap" is: "GRIB file format error, rc=53".
> For this I do not succeed to read the file with GrADS.
> Thanks,
> Mario
> Wesley Ebisuzaki ha scritto:
> Mario,
> ECMWF grib table 162 has not been added to wgrib as indicated
> by the
> error message. The ECMWF web
> site has the table but it doesn't include names. If someone
> has the
> table with (semi-)official names in the
> suggested format, I'll be happy to update the wgrib source
> code.
> For the time being, the control file probably works. You just
> have
> to remember to
> "d albedo" to see the divergence.
> Wesley Ebisuzaki
> suggested format: ascii text file,
> parameter-number:name:description
> [units]
> 0:name:comment
> 1:name:comment
> ...
> 255:name:comment
> mario frangipane wrote:
> > I do not succeed to transform some ".grib" file (reanalysis
> data,
> > downloaded by ECMWF site) for GrADS.
> > For example, for vertical vapor flux divergence (0.5 x 0.5
> grid,
> > reanalysis), the "wgrib" command f inds ALBEDO (not
> divergence!), and
> > the output of "grib2ctl" is:
> > "undefined parameter table (center 98-0 table 162), using
> NECP-opn".
> > Therefore, the ".ctl" file is not corrected, and I cannot
> create the
> > ".grib.idx" file.
> > Someone can help me?
> > Thanks,
> > Mario
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Sacchetti Davide
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