incompatible licences and other issues

Patrice Dumas pertusus at FREE.FR
Mon Sep 19 18:22:23 EDT 2005

> I agree with your sentiments and feel that my contributions to the grads
> source (e.g., galats) have been adequately acknowledged; the lats copyright
> statement is included with the lats* code; here is the standard legal from
> the lats distribution; when it was distributed out of llnl (it's no longer
> available from the our web site)

With such a condition:

"Commercialization of this product is prohibited without notifying the
Department of Energy (DOE) or Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)."

it cannot be GPL compatible (as it is not free software). So it cannot be
distributed together with GPL licenced code (or the other way around,
choose what you prefer...).

> note that grads source was distributed with lats and how we specifically say
> that our copyright statement does not cover grads source...



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