How to convert netcdf to ascii

Shailendra Rai r_shail77 at REDIFFMAIL.COM
Fri Sep 9 03:22:06 EDT 2005

ncdump does not work with the gradsc.
This is unix command provided your system is having the NetCDF library installed.
on unix prompt just write %ncdump > output.txt.
If you want to do this in GrAds then you just run gradsnc and open  the file .nc file by 
>set gxout fwrite
>d var
it will write the variable in Binary form and you can convert it by a simple fortran program.


On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 Mari Kauhaniemi wrote :
>I have tried to convert netcdf files to the ASCII using following command:
>ncdump > output.txt
>where is my netcdf input file and output.txt would be the
>output ASCII file.
>This command does not work. It only gives the “Unknown command: ncdump”
>-message. I have also tried it by writing a simple script
>‘ncdump > output.txt’
>and then used a command:
>run test
>The same error message comes from that. I.e., sdfopen command works but
>the command ncdump doesn’t. I am using Grads version 1.8SL11 and I have
>always opened gradsnc with a command
>ga –l
>As I am new with Grads I may not know all (even simplest) things what
>should be done, i.e., is there some settings or other, which should be
>done before using that command, or could the reason be that the command
>ncdump doesn’t work in the version I am using.
>Can anybody help me with this problem, please?
>Best wishes,
>Mari Kauhaniemi

Shailendra Rai                                
K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies 
University of Allahabad
Phone 09415649617
Telefax +915322460974 
Mail ID r_shail1977 at 

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