How to suppress the warning info "entire grid undefined" in GrADS

Mary Jo Nath Mary-Jo.Nath at NOAA.GOV
Wed Sep 7 16:05:19 EDT 2005


I don't know if there is a way to suppress the undefined message, but you
can get just the background if you open a real data file,  then use "set clevs"
to set a contour value that is  out of range of that data, and then display the variable.

Mary Jo

On Wednesday 07 September 2005 15:58, Haibin Li wrote:
>>  Hi there, Is there anyway to suppress the warning information "entire
>> grid undefined" in GrADS? What I need is just the background world map,
>> not any real data fields. But to plot a world map background, I have to
>> display something first. So I created a foo.ctl file. Apparently, if I
>> display dummy variable in the control file, I got "entire
>> grid undefined".   I guess there must be other ways to circumvent this
>> problem.  Thanks for your help.

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