color bar

diego diego333medina at YAHOO.ES
Thu Oct 13 15:37:31 EDT 2005

Dear Dr. Pollard :

when I use the clevs command

'set clevs 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 6
everything works well

thanks to help me.

Diego Medina

 --- Tom Pollard <tomp at EARTHLINK.NET> escribió:

> Diego,
> You wrote:
> > I have two wind files of different source, when I
> make
> > the graphics (with the bars of colors of
> both
> > graphics are different.  I want that the bar of
> colors
> > is equal in both cases can help me to do this.
> It sounds like you're just using the default contour
> levels, which
> means the contour levels are going to be recomputed

> for each new plot
> to optimally cover the range of values being
> plotted.  If you want
> consistent contour levels when plotting multiple
> datasets, I think
> you'll have to set them directly before plotting
> each dataset, using
> the 'set clevs' command.  You can use 'q shades'
> after doing a plot
> to see what contour levels were used.
> Hope this helps,
> Tom

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