Using NAM grib files on SGI/IRIX
Brendan Murphy
murphyb at UNBC.CA
Mon Oct 10 15:41:11 EDT 2005
I have downloaded the pre-compiled IRIX binaries for GrADS V1.9b4 and am
trying to display analyses from the North American Mesoscale (12km
NAM) model . I can view the data on a Liniux build, but not IRIX. Do
I have to modify the attached ctl file somehow? Also, is there a GrADS
utility for rotating the winds?
- Brendan
-------------- next part --------------
dset ^nam_218_%y4%m2%d2_%h200_000.grb
index ^2005-JUL-22.idx
undef 9.999E+20
options template
title North American Meso-scale - all cycles, Analysis products only - beginning 00Z20jul2005.
dtype grib 218
*pdef 614 428 lcc 12.190000 -133.459000 1 1 25.000000 25.000000 -95.000000 12191 12191
*xdef 614 linear -133.459000 0.113383763365335
*ydef 428 linear 12.190000 0.110827272727273
pdef 614 428 bilin sequential binary ^grid.218.pdef
xdef 700 linear -140 0.11
ydef 500 linear 12 0.11
tdef 16 linear 00Z20jul2005 6hr
zdef 39 levels 1000 975 950 925 900 875 850 825 800 775 750 725 700 675 650 625 600 575 550 525 500 475 450 425 400 375 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50
vars 121
ACPCPsfc 0 63,1,0 ** surface Convective precipitation [kg/m^2]
APCPsfc 0 61,1,0 ** surface Total precipitation [kg/m^2]
no4LFTX180_0mb 0 132,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd Best (4-layer) lifted index [K]
BMIXLhbl 0 226,109,1 ** Blackadar's mixing length scale [m]
CAPEsfc 0 157,1,0 ** surface Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
CAPE180_0mb 0 157,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
CDsfc 0 252,1,0 ** surface Drag coefficient [non-dim]
DLWRFsfc 0 205,1,0 ** surface Downward long wave flux [W/m^2]
DSWRFsfc 0 204,1,0 ** surface Downward short wave flux [W/m^2]
FRICVsfc 0 253,1,0 ** surface Friction velocity [m/s]
HGTsfc 0 7,1,0 ** surface Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTprs 39 7,100,0 ** Geopotential height [gpm]
LANDsfc 0 81,1,0 ** surface Land cover (land=1 sea=0) [fraction]
LHTFLsfc 0 121,1,0 ** surface Latent heat flux [W/m^2]
MSLETmsl 0 130,102,0 ** Mean sea level pressure (ETA model) [Pa]
PLI30_0mb 0 24,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) [K]
PRESsfc 0 1,1,0 ** surface Pressure [Pa]
PRMSLmsl 0 2,102,0 ** Pressure reduced to mean sea level [Pa]
RHprs 39 52,100,0 ** Relative humidity [%]
RH2m 0 52,105,2 ** 2 m Relative humidity [%]
RHplg 5 52,116,0 ** Relative humidity [%]
SFCRsfc 0 83,1,0 ** surface Surface roughness [m]
SHTFLsfc 0 122,1,0 ** surface Sensible heat flux [W/m^2]
SOILWSoilT 0 144,112,10 ** 0-10cm undergnd Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SOILWdlr 3 144,112,0 ** Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
TSOIL10cm 0 85,112,10 ** 0-10 cm undergnd Soil temp. [K]
TSOIL40cm 0 85,112,2600 ** 10-40 cm underground Soil Temp. [K}
TSOIL100cm 0 85,112,10340 ** 40-100 cm underground Soil Temp. [K]
TSOIL200cm 0 85,112,25800 ** 100-200 cm underground Soil Temp. [K]
TSOIL300cm 0 85,111,300 ** 300 cm underground Soil Temp. [K]
SOILW40cm 0 144,112,2600 ** 10-40 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SOILW100cm 0 144,112,10340 ** 40-100 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SOILW200cm 0 144,112,25800 ** 100-200 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
MSTAV100cm 0 207,112,100 ** Moisture availability [%]
SOILM200cm 0 86,112,200 ** Soil moisture content [kg/m^2]
CNWAT 0 223,1,0 ** Plant canopy surface water [kg/m^2]
VEG 0 87,1,0 ** Vegetation Coverage [%]
TMP60mb 0 11,116,15390 ** 60-30 mb above ground Air Temperature [K]
TMP90mb 0 11,116,23100 ** 90-60 mb above ground Air Temperature [K]
TMP120mb 0 11,116,30810 ** 120-90 mb above ground Air Temperature [K]
TMP150mb 0 11,116,38520 ** 150-120 mb above ground Air Temperature [K]
TMP180mb 0 11,116,46230 ** 180-150 mb above ground Air Temperature [K]
RH30_0mb 0 52,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Relative humidity [%]
RH60mb 0 52,116,15390 ** 60-30 mb above ground Relative Humidity [%]
RH90mb 0 52,116,23100 ** 90-60 mb above ground Relative Humidity [%]
RH120mb 0 52,116,30810 ** 120-90 mb above ground Relative Humidity [%]
RH150mb 0 52,116,38520 ** 150-120 mb above ground Relative Humidity [%]
RH180mb 0 52,116,46230 ** 180-150 mb above ground Relative Humidity [%]
UGRD30_0mb 0 33,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd u wind [m/s]
U60mb 0 33,116,15390 ** 60-30 mb above ground U-Wind [m/s]
U90mb 0 33,116,23100 ** 90-60 mb above ground U-Wind [m/s]
U120mb 0 33,116,30810 ** 120-90 mb above ground U-Wind [m/s]
U150mb 0 33,116,38520 ** 150-120 mb above ground U-Wind [m/s]
U180mb 0 33,116,46230 ** 180-150 mb above ground U-Wind [m/s]
VGRD30_0mb 0 34,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd v wind [m/s]
V60mb 0 34,116,15390 ** 60-30 mb above ground V-Wind [m/s]
V90mb 0 34,116,23100 ** 90-60 mb above ground V-Wind [m/s]
V120mb 0 34,116,30810 ** 120-90 mb above ground V-Wind [m/s]
V150mb 0 34,116,38520 ** 150-120 mb above ground V-Wind [m/s]
V180mb 0 34,116,46230 ** 180-150 mb above ground V-Wind [m/s]
CSUSF10 0 160,112,10 ** 10-0 cm down Clear sky upward solar flux [W/m^2]
CSUSF40 0 160,112,2600 ** 40-10 cm down Clear sky upward solar flux [W/m^2]
CSUSF100 0 160,112,10340 ** 100-40 cm down Clear sky upward solar flux [W/m^2]
CSUSF200 0 160,112,25800 ** 200-100 cm down Clear sky upward solar flux [W/m^2]
SNMR 0 171,1,0 ** sfc Snow Mixing Ratio [Kg/Kg]
TSD1D 0 219,1,0 ** Std. dev. of IR T over 1x1 deg area [K]
WAVH 0 222,1,0 ** -5-wave geopotential height [gpm]
SOTYP 0 224,1,0 ** Soil type (Zobler) [0..9]
n5WAVA 0 230,1,0 ** -5-wave geopot. height anomaly [gpm]
ICEC 0 91,1,0 ** Ice concentration (ice=1 0=no ice) [fraction]
LWper 0 240,1,0 ** Land/Water Coverage (0=Water 1=Land) [fraction]
TKEprs 39 158,100,0 ** Turbulent Kinetic energy [J/kg]
TMPsfc 0 11,1,0 ** surface Temp. [K]
TMPprs 39 11,100,0 ** Temp. [K]
TMP2m 0 11,105,2 ** 2 m Temp. [K]
TMP30_0mb 0 11,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Temp. [K]
TMPplg 5 11,116,0 ** Temp. [K]
TSOILdlr 3 85,112,0 ** Soil temp. [K]
UGRDprs 39 33,100,0 ** u wind [m/s]
ULWRFsfc 0 212,1,0 ** surface Upward long wave flux [W/m^2]
USWRFsfc 0 211,1,0 ** surface Upward short wave flux [W/m^2]
VGRDprs 39 34,100,0 ** v wind [m/s]
UGRD10m 0 33,105,10 ** 10 m u wind [m/s]
VGRD10m 0 34,105,10 ** 10 m v wind [m/s]
VVELprs 39 39,100,0 ** Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s]
ABSV 39 41,100,0 ** Absolute Vorticity [1/s]
HLCY3000 0 190,106,30,0 ** 0-3000 m Storm relative helicity [m^2/s^2]
PRESMWIND 0 1,6,0 ** Pressure at max wind level [Pa]
UMWIND 0 33,6,0 ** U-Wind on max wind level [m/s]
VMWIND 0 34,6,0 ** V-Wind on max wind level [m/s]
PRESTROP 0 1,7,0 ** Pressure at Tropopause [Pa]
TMPTROP 0 11,7,0 ** Temp. at Tropopause [K]
UTROP 0 33,7,0 ** U-Wind on Tropopause [m/s]
VTROP 0 34,7,0 ** V-Wind on Tropopause [m/s]
HGTSFC 0 7,245,0 ** Geopotential Height of Surface [gpm]
VIS 0 20,1,0 ** Surface Visibility [m]
PWATACOL 0 54,200,0 ** Atmospheric Column Precipitable Water [kg/m^2]
HGT0DEG 0 7,4,0 ** Geopotential Height on 0 deg. Isotherm [gpm]
RH0DEG 0 52,4,0 ** Relative Humidity on 0 deg. Isotherrm [%]
RHsig4 0 52,108,33,100 ** Relative Humidity : sigma 0.33 to 1.00 [%]
oCSNOW 0 143,1,0 ** surface Categorical snow [yes=1 no=0]
oCICEP 0 142,1,0 ** surface Categorical ice pellets [yes=1 no=0]
oCFRZR 0 141,1,0 ** surface Categorical freezing rain [yes=1 no=0]
oCRAIN 0 140,1,0 ** surface Categorical rain [yes=1 no=0]
WEASD 0 65,1,0 ** surface Accum. snow [kg/m^2]
SNOD 0 66,1,0 ** Surface Snow Depth [m]
SNOWC 0 238,1,0 ** Surface Area Snow cover [%]
CIN 0 156,1,0 ** surface Convective inhibition [J/kg]
CIN180_0mb 0 156,116,180,0 ** 180-0 mb above gnd Convective inhibition [J/kg]
LFTX 0 131,101,50,100 ** 500-1000 Lifted Index [K]
oTCDCclm 0 71,200,0 ** atmos column Total cloud cover [%]
n5WAVH 0 222,0 ** Surface 5-wave geopotential height [gpm]
anom5WAVA 0 230,1,0 ** Surface 5-wave geopot. height anomaly [gpm]
VGTYP 0 225,1,0 ** Vegetation type (as in SiB) [0..13]
MFLUX 0 231,1,0 ** Convective cloud mass flux [Pa/s]
TSOIL300 0 85,111,1,44 ** 300 cm Underground Soil temp. [K]
MSTAV 0 207,112,0,100 ** 0-100 cm below sfc. Moisture availability [%]
SOILM 0 86,112,0,200 ** 0-200 cm below sfc. Soil moisture content [kg/m^2]
ALBDO 0 84,1,0 ** Surface Albedo [%]
GUST 0 180,1,0 ** Surface Wind Gust [m/s]
COVTW 0 240,1,0 ** Covarience between T and W-wind [ [wT]-[w][T] ]
* shaded:oCFRZR:*:set gxout grfill
* shaded:oCFRZR:*:set clevs 0.5
* shaded:oCFRZR:*:set ccols 99 2
* shaded:oCICEP:*:set gxout grfill
* shaded:oCICEP:*:set clevs 0.5
* shaded:oCICEP:*:set ccols 99 8
* shaded:oCSNOW:*:set gxout grfill
* shaded:oCSNOW:*:set clevs 0.5
* shaded:oCSNOW:*:set ccols 99 4
* shaded:oCRAIN:*:set gxout grfill
* shaded:oCRAIN:*:set clevs 0.5
* shaded:oCRAIN:*:set ccols 99 3
* function:precip type:1:oCRAIN+(2*oCFRZR)+(3*oCICEP)+(4*oCSNOW):precip type 1=rain 2=freezing rain 3=ice pellets 4=snow
* shaded:precip type:*:set gxout grfill
* shaded:precip type:*:set ccols 99 3 2 8 4 99
* shaded:precip type:*:set clevs 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5
* title:precip type:rain=1 freezing rain=2 ice=3 snow=4 $hour $day$month$year
* function:isotach (m/s):39:mag(ugrdprs,vgrdprs):wind speed (m/s)
* plot:winds:39:isotachs (m/s) and wind vectors
* title:winds:isotachs (m/s) $_level mb $_dayofweek $_hour $_day$_month$_year
* display:winds:set gxout shaded
* display:winds:d mag(UGRDprs,VGRDprs)
* display:winds:run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/
* display:winds:set ccolor 98
* display:winds:run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/grads/ ugrdprs vgrdprs
* plot:winds 10m:1:10 meter isotachs (m/s) and wind vectors
* title:winds 10m:10 m isotachs (m/s) $_dayofweek $_hour $_day$_month$_year
* display:winds 10m:set gxout shaded
* display:winds 10m:d mag(UGRD10m,VGRD10m)
* display:winds 10m:run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/
* display:winds 10m:set ccolor 98
* display:winds 10m:run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/ ugrd10m vgrd10m
* plot:winds B/W:39:isotachs (m/s) and wind vectors
* title:winds B/W:isotachs (m/s) $_level mb $_dayofweek $_hour $_day$_month$_year
* display:winds B/W:set ccolor 98
* display:winds B/W:set gxout contour
* display:winds B/W:d mag(UGRDprs,VGRDprs)
* display:winds B/W:run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/
* display:winds B/W:set ccolor 98
* display:winds B/W:run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/ ugrdprs vgrdprs
* plot:winds 10m B/W:1:10 meter isotachs (m/s) and wind vectors
* title:winds 10m B/W:10 m isotachs (m/s) $_dayofweek $_hour $_day$_month$_year
* display:winds 10m B/W:set ccolor 98
* display:winds 10m B/W:set gxout contour
* display:winds 10m B/W:d mag(UGRD10m,VGRD10m)
* display:winds 10m B/W:run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/
* display:winds 10m B/W:set ccolor 98
* display:winds 10m B/W:run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/ ugrd10m vgrd10m
* plot:winds (knots):39:isotachs (knots) and wind vectors
* title:winds (knots):isotachs (knot) $_level mb $_dayofweek $_hour $_day$_month$_year* display:winds (knots):set gxout shaded
* display:winds (knots):d mag(UGRDprs,VGRDprs)*1.94254
* display:winds (knots):run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/
* display:winds (knots):set ccolor 98
* display:winds (knots):run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/ ugrdprs*1.94254 vgrdprs*1.94245
* plot:winds 10m (knots):1:10 meter isotachs (knots) and wind vectors
* title:winds 10m (knots):10 m isotachs (knot) $_dayofweek $_hour $_day$_month$_year
* display:winds 10m (knots):set gxout shaded
* display:winds 10m (knots):d mag(UGRD10m,VGRD10m)*1.94254
* display:winds 10m (knots):run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/
* display:winds 10m (knots):set ccolor 98
* display:winds 10m (knots):run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/ ugrd10m*1.94254 vgrd10m*1.94245
* plot:winds B/W (knots):39:isotachs (knots) and wind vectors
* title:winds B/W (knots):isotachs (knot) $_level mb $_dayofweek $_hour $_day$_month$_year
* display:winds B/W (knots):set ccolor 98
* display:winds B/W (knots):set gxout contour
* display:winds B/W (knots):d mag(UGRDprs,VGRDprs)*1.94254
* display:winds B/W (knots):run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/
* display:winds B/W (knots):set ccolor 98
* display:winds B/W (knots):run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/ ugrdprs*1.94254 vgrdprs*1.94245
* plot:winds 10m B/W (knots):1:10 meter isotachs (knots) and wind vectors
* title:winds 10m B/W (knots):10 m isotachs (knot) $_dayofweek $_hour $_day$_month$_year
* display:winds 10m B/W (knots):set ccolor 98
* display:winds 10m B/W (knots):set gxout contour
* display:winds 10m B/W (knots):d mag(UGRD10m,VGRD10m)*1.94254
* display:winds 10m B/W (knots):run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/
* display:winds 10m B/W (knots):set ccolor 98
* display:winds 10m B/W (knots):run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/ ugrd10m*1.94254 vgrd10m*1.94245
* Temperature Advection
* plot:tadv:29:Horizontal Temperature Advection [K/hr]
* title:tadv:Horizontal Temperature Advection [K/hr]
* display:tadv:define dtx = cdiff(TMPprs,x)
* display:tadv:define dty = cdiff(TMPprs,y)
* display:tadv:define dx = cdiff(lon,x)*3.1416/180
* display:tadv:define dy = cdiff(lat,y)*3.1416/180
* display:tadv:set cint 0.25
* display:tadv:set cmin -4
* display:tadv:set cmax 4
* display:tadv:display 3600 * (-1*( (UGRDprs*dtx)/(cos(lat*3.1416/180)*dx) + VGRDprs*dty/dy )/6.37e6)
* display:tadv:run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/
* Wind convergence
* plot:conv:29:Horizontal Convergence [100000/s]
* title:conv:Horizontal Convergence [100000/s]
* display:conv:define diverg = hdivg(UGRDprs,VGRDprs)
* display:conv:set cint 1
* display:conv:display -100000 * diverg
* display:conv:run /usr/local/grads/grads-1.8sl11/bin/
* display:conv:set gxout vector
* display:conv:set rgb 98 1 1 1
* display:conv:set ccolor 98
* display:conv:display skip(UGRDprs,4);skip(VGRDprs,4)
* End of custom expressions
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