Server questions

Wesley Ebisuzaki Wesley.Ebisuzaki at NOAA.GOV
Thu Nov 17 10:00:42 EST 2005

> Bob wrote:
>> I`m still very new to GrADS and have barely touched the surface. I do
>> however have big plans in the future, including producing some
>> limited model products on my site.
>> My biggest question at the moment is, what kind of server environment
>> should I be looking for to even consider running GrADS on a remote
>> server. Hardware specs are my concern. These may seem like dumb
>> questions to many, but this is a first time for me!! I have visions
>> of spending weeks, maybe even months learning how to use the
>> scripting etc. Only to find GrADS will be bogging my site down, and
>> crashing it!!
>> Can someone shed some light on this subject. Hopefully you`ll see
>> what I getting at!!
>> What I want:
>> Software that can run on my sites server, can import, ingest and
>> contour model data into maps.
>> Regards.
>> Bob.


   I remember running GrADS on a 90 Mhz Pentium webserver with 32 MB
memory.  Sure it took
45 seconds to make a plot-on-demand but people were more patient those
days.    Anybody who would
attempt to answer your question would need to know

     (1) how many plots served / minute
     (2) are the plots made on demand or how many plots will available
for download (# made per hour)
     (3) dataset size


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