Variable Below

Alan Robock robock at ENVSCI.RUTGERS.EDU
Sun Nov 6 22:20:51 EST 2005

Dear Brad,

It is water equivalent accumulation of snow depth.  It is very useful
for some purposes.  Since it is in mass, it does not matter if the snow
is melted, but you can convert to depth of liquid water.


Alan Robock, Professor II
Associate Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
Department of Environmental Sciences              Phone: +1-732-932-9478
Rutgers University                                  Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road                   E-mail: robock at
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA

On Mon, 7 Nov 2005, Asselin, Brad wrote:

> Good evening,
> Does anybody have an knowledge or experience in using the following variable:
> weasd *surface accum snow (kg/m^2)
> Is it useful and how do you use it correctly ?
> Thank you in advance.
> Brad Asselin

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