PowerPC & Redhat

David Holland holland at CIMS.NYU.EDU
Thu Nov 3 17:19:58 EST 2005

Dear Pat,

Attached is the config.log which was created when I typed the 'configure'

Also a snapshot of the screen response when I typed the 'make' command.

Looking at the config.log I do see that there are some errors.

Based on the attached information do you have any advice for me?

Cheers, David


David Michael Holland              Title: Assoc. Prof. Mathematics
Courant Institute of Math. Sci.    Office: (212) 998-3245
New York University                Cell: (917) 520-8570
Room 929                           Lab: (212) 998-3271
251 Mercer St., MC-0711            Email: holland at cims.nyu.edu
New York, NY 10012 USA             Web: http://fish.cims.nyu.edu/

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT] On Behalf Of Patrice Dumas
> Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 5:06 PM
> Subject: Re: PowerPC & Redhat
> Hello,
> > the source and tried to compile.  The configure worked but the make
> > instantly ran into trouble and failed.
> Maybe you could post the compilation logs?
> --
> Pat
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