
Dave Allured dave.allured at NOAA.GOV
Tue May 24 14:40:05 EDT 2005


You are using the read and sublin functions incorrectly.  Read should
not be inside quotes.  Please try this:



Also you should use debug statements like these until you get it working:

   say res1
   say '[' result ']'

I like to include the brackets to make it easy to debug one line text
strings.  This way you can see any leading and trailing spaces.  HTH.


maria elena segura wrote:
> Good morning,
> Please read all before understand my question
> Firth
> I used the following to put the day of the week and all was OK
> 'q time'
> nombre=subwrd(result,3)
> anio=substr(nombre,9,4)
> mes=substr(nombre,6,3)
> dia=substr(nombre,4,2)
> tmg=substr(nombre,1,2)
> fec=' 'dia'/'mes'/'anio' 'tmg'UTC'
> 'set string 1 bc'
> 'set strsiz 0.15'
> 'set font 1'
> 'draw string 4.6 7.3 fecha pronostico 'fec
> the  result is fecha pronostico  20/05/2005 00UTC
> But I have a problem when I use an external file with extension .txt
> where I put the time
> I used the following sentence
> fech='c:\marco\fecha.txt'
> res1='read(fech)'
> result=sublin(res1,1)
> nombre=subwrd(result,3)
> anio=substr(nombre,9,4)
> mes=substr(nombre,6,3)
> dia=substr(nombre,4,2)
> tmg=substr(nombre,1,2)
> fec=' 'dia'/'mes'/'anio' 'tmg'UTC'
> 'set string 1 bc'
> 'set strsiz 0.15'
> 'set font 1'
> 'draw string 4.6 7.3 del 'fec
> the  result is fecha pronostico  // UTC
> Omitted the number of the day, month, year and hour
> In the file fecha.txt I wrote in the first line Time = 00Z30OCT2005
> The file is en the same place where the CTL and GS are
> This is de .CTL that I use
> dset c:\marco\tina
> options sequential
> undef  0.0
> xdef 184 linear -91.0 0.333
> ydef 154 linear -65.0 0.333
> tdef 1 linear 00Z30oct2005 1mo
> zdef 4 levels 1 50 100 150
> vars 1
> pn1 4 99 ** pressure **
> If I omitted tdef 1 linear 00Z30oct2005 1mo in the CTL, give me an error
> when I want to draw
> Someone tell me what I did it bad
>  Thanks in advance
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