GrADS map generation programme

Mandelli Alessandro mandelli.alessandro at TISCALI.IT
Tue Mar 8 16:58:23 EST 2005

Ricardo Hallak wrote:

> Have you already tried to concatenate the binary files?
> In Linux/Unix: cat map1.bin map2.bin map3.bin > map_total.bin

It turned out to be much easier than that.
'set mpdset map1 map2'
being map1 my newly created map, map2 the underlying existing map.

Further to Dr Kolli suggestion, I'm ready to share my newly created map
with the 20 italian administrative regions overlayed to 'newmap',
provided credit is given to our organisation.

Samples here:

Too bad Bolam and University of Genua, few representative of which are
subscribed to this list, declined to share their map. Nevertheless,
thanks to their refuse, I decided to work on it on my own.
My result is much better than theirs.

Students, researchers or simple users interested in Italian Regions Map,
please feel free to contact me privately.


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