Displaying Thinned GriB Files

Robert Kistler Robert.Kistler at NOAA.GOV
Fri Jun 17 08:59:48 EDT 2005

An alternative if you are running Linux  is to use the GRIB utility
copygb  to convert the thinned grid to a regular lat-lon grid.

Here's a reply from several years ago from my colleague Wesley Ebisuzaki
- the link below is outdated. Write him at

Wesley.Ebisuaki at NOAA.gov for the current link.

I was able to create a grads friendly file by converting the file to 2.5 x 2.5 degree
lat-lon grid using a linux version of copygb.

  $ copygb -g2 -x thin.grb  new.grb

The linux version (redhat 7.1) of copygb is at


      Wesley Ebisuaki

Bob Kistler

Greg Clarke wrote:

>Good Day All,
>This question was posted a week or so ago, but there was no answer.
>According to the "older" GrADS manual, it states the GrADS cannot display
>thinned GriB files. Is this still the case, now that we are several versions
>down the line? I am particularly looking to plot the ERA-15 files from the
>WAFC model which are GriB type 38, 41 and 42. Any suggestions?
>Many thanks in advance.
>Greg Clarke
>Support: Abu Dhabi International Airport Meteorological Office.
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