How can I combine two data file into one?
Viviane Silva
viviane_silva1 at YAHOO.COM
Fri Jun 10 07:08:58 EDT 2005
If the two data sets are in the same format, you can
use this linux comand:
cat " file 1" "file 2" > " new file name (combination
of file 1 and 2)"
I hope it helps.
--- Ming Yang <myang at EMAIL.UNC.EDU> wrote:
> Hi, folks
> I have a question for you. I have two GrADS
> gridded data sets. One
> contains the climatic data from 1 to 500 year, the
> other has the same
> kind of data but from 501 to 1000 year. Now I would
> like to concatenate
> these two files into a single file having the whole
> 1000 year data. Do you
> know what is the best way for me to do this? Thank
> you for your time.
> Best,
> Ming
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