Help on EASE-Grid Weekly Snow Cover data

Prince K. Xavier xavier at CAOS.IISC.ERNET.IN
Mon Jul 4 02:59:59 EDT 2005


I have a slightly out of topic query. I am trying to convert the Northern
Hemisphere EASE-Grid Weekly Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent Version 2, to
Grads format, which is written in Flat binary files with arrays of 721
columns by 721 rows of 1-byte unsigned integers.

My query is, whether it is possible to read it as 1-byte integers in
fortran, than reading it as character?

If anyone has faced this problem before, please let me know how you have
resolved it.

Thanks in advance
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560 012
Phone No.
+91 80 2293 2505 (Extn:201)
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