Plotting contours with station data...

Daniel Leins Daniel.Leins at NOAA.GOV
Fri Jan 21 15:15:25 EST 2005


I would like to plot a map of temperature across a given area, and
contour the data instead of displaying it as numbers.  However, when I
try and 'set gxout contour', then display the temperature variable, or
any other available variable for that matter, it displays the numbers
only with no contours.  I've tried 'set cint 1' , and a number of other
intervals, however nothing has worked.  Also tried 'set gxout shaded',
and couldn't get anywhere with that either.  The data set is in station
data format, and while I am able to display the variables in other ways
(i.e. station model output), I can't seem to get anything to contour -
which is my ultimate goal.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this might be happening?  I
have included the control file below...

Dan Leins

DSET ^metar_out.bin
DTYPE station
UNDEF -999.0
TITLE Metar Test File
TDEF 1 linear 12z14jan2005 1hr
ts 0 99 Surface Temperature
tds 0 99 Surface Dewpoint
dirs 0 99 Surface Wind Direction
spds 0 99 Surface Wind Speed

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