Read XieArkin's precipitation data by ddf file

Saji Hameed saji at HAWAII.EDU
Wed Jan 12 17:17:59 EST 2005

In addition to the other comments, I would suggest using

gradsnc ; xdfopen prec.ddf

i.e, use xdfopen instead of sdfopen


Saji N. Hameed, Assistant Researcher,
IPRC-SOEST, 2525 Correa Road, Univ. of Hawaii,
Honolulu, HI 96822, U.S.A
tel.: (808) 956 9534 , fax.: (808) 956 9425

----- Original Message -----
From: Ji-Yun SEO <joy0826 at PUSAN.AC.KR>
Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 5:26 am
Subject: Read XieArkin's precipitation data by ddf file

> I've been trying to draw a XieArkin's precipitation data netcdf file.
> when i downloaded it there is a referencing page to read these data
> usinga Grads .ddf file
> Unfortunately, i coulnd't read it properly although i followed the
> direction.
> this's my prec.ddf file
> DSET ^
> *UNDEF 1E36
> UNDEF -999.f
> XDEF lon 144 Linear 0.0 2.5
> YDEF lat 73 Linear -90. 2.5
> TDEF time 288 Linear Jan1979 1mo
> VARS 1
> PRC2 => prc2 1 99 Precipitation
> i did gradsnc ; sdfopen prec.ddf
> but this error message comes out
> scanning self-describing file:  prec.ddf
> prec.ddf does not exist or is not a netCDF file.
> Couldn't ingest SDF metadata.
> If this was an HDF-SDS file, try gradshdf.
> please help me
> i would be grateful if i get any advice from you guys!!!

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