to extract variables on grib

Madhusoodanan M.S. madhu at CAOS.IISC.ERNET.IN
Wed Aug 24 12:07:12 EDT 2005


you can open the file in grads and extract the desired variables with
fwrite. you can convert it into netcdf with lats4d command.


On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, msaavedra wrote:

> Dear grads user:
> I have a grib file with 29 variables (11 times).  I want to extract only two variables
> with grads and to save it in a file grib.  By I complete to turn it to format netcdf.
> You can help me ?
> Thaks
>     Miguel


Madhusoodanan M.S.
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, India - 560 012
Tel.    +91-80-23600450, +91-80-22932505 (Off) Extn.220
Mobile. +91-92421-67339
Fax.    +91-80-23600865

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