to extract variables on grib

Jean Pierre Arabonis arabonis at EGS.UCT.AC.ZA
Wed Aug 24 11:57:45 EDT 2005

    I have been working on the same problem and I attach the rough bare
bones of a script I have done so far and some comments from a helpful user:
    My script simply writes out one or several variables from a single
position to a new grib file.
    Good Luck

Grads data must be written out in the order

along X dimension
along Y dimension
along Z dimension
each Variables
each Time

See the description of the structure of Grads data files in the online user

Michael Sestak
Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
Monterey, CA

msaavedra wrote:

>Dear grads user:
> I have a grib file with 29 variables (11 times).  I want to extract only two variables
>with grads and to save it in a file grib.  By I complete to turn it to format netcdf.
>You can help me ?
>     Miguel

Jean Pierre Arabonis
arabonis at
Tel 021 780 1021 cell 084 401 1365
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