Can't get contour plots to form/incompatible grids & trouble creating scripts

Martin Lollini climagro at GMAIL.COM
Thu Aug 18 23:16:23 EDT 2005

Hi Mark, look if are you loading the nc file with gradsNC module and using 
version 1.9b or higher for grads? 
I don't have the manual here, i will check out at the office but 'vint' i 
think that is station function and doesn't work with 2D grid.
The grads script files are txt format you can use extension .gs to 
difference but not necesary to run a script.

good luck.
climagro at

On 8/18/05, Mark Schuster <m_schus at> wrote:
> Hello all
> I am new to GRADS, and I am working with files that I downloaded from the
> NCEP reanalysis page that are in .nc format. If I type something like...
> sdfopen <>
> set lat 60
> set lon 250
> set t 1
> d vint(1000.,shum,350)
> I will get the vertically integrated water content at that point which is
> great, but I am more interested in the spatial distribution (contour 
> plot),
> so I make the lat and lon vary. So if I type
> sdfopen <>
> set lat 50 70
> set lon 230 250
> set t 1
> d vint(1000.,shum,350)
> I get an error about incompatible grids, and I get the error box "this
> program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down". I have
> no idea why I don't get a contour plot, as the data I downloaded is within
> the grid that I specify. I am sure that it is probably a very simple thing
> that I am totally unaware of that I am doing wrong since I am new to 
> grads.
> Also, for creating scripts, do I just type it up in notepad, and type run
> script in the grads window? Extension is suppose to be .gs, but if you
> type it in notepad, it has a .txt extension.
> Many thanks!
> Mark
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