gribmap/grib file/size

Fernanda A S nandaara at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 1 17:02:01 EST 2005

Hi there!

I'm having problems to generate an index file (from a grib control file)
using Gribmap.

As recommended by Fabio Conde (Grads User), I looked at the size of the
file. It's 39.5MB, really big. Do you think the problem is that the size of
the file is too big to create an index file?

Below there are the errors I see when I try to work with gribmap and the
grib control file:

gribmap -v -E -e -u -i soillevel1957.ctl

gribmap:  Scanning binary GRIB file(s):
UUUUU: Updating the gribmap for the TEMPLATED GRIB data described by the:
UUUUU: soillevel1957.ctl
UUUUU: GrADS data descriptor (.ctl) file....

Could not open index file: (null) for updating
Create the map........
Segmentation fault (core dumped)gribmap -e -i soillevel1957.ctl

gribmap:  Scanning binary GRIB file(s):
gribmap:  Opening GRIB file soillevel1957.grib
...... punching out -e option set flen-4 check ......
gribmap:  Reached EOF
Could not open index file: (null)
gribmap -i soillevel1957.ctl

gribmap:  Scanning binary GRIB file(s):
gribmap:  Opening GRIB file soillevel1957.grib
GRIB file format error
rc = 53

Thank you,


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