.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'><br>Hi <BR>I have to open a no of files in grads which are <BR>/store_file/03june2011/wrf-outp_d01_2011060303.ctl'<br>/store_file/06june2011/wrf-outp_d01_2011060603.ctl'<br>/store_file/07june2011/wrf-outp_d01_2011060703.ctl'<BR> <BR>............ so on. <br><BR> <BR>ga-> open /expr/store_file/03june2011/wrf-outp_d01_2011060303.ctl<br>Scanning description file: /expr/store_file/03june2011/wrf-outp_d01_2011060303.ctlData file /expr/store_file/03june2011/wrf-outp_d01_2011060303.dat is open as file 1LON set to 73.9429 87.0571<br>LAT set to 9.09704 21.7107<br>LEV set to 1000 1000<br>Time values set: 2011:6:3:3 2011:6:3:3<br>ga-> open /expr/store_file/06june2011/wrf-outp_d01_2011060603.ctl<br>Scanning description file: /expr/store_file/06june2011/wrf-outp_d01_2011060603.ctlData file /expr/store_file/06june2011/wrf-outp_d01_2011060603.dat is open as file 2ga-> d rainc.1+rainnc.1+rainc.2+rainnc.2<br>Data Request Warning: Request beyond file limits<br> Entire grid contents are set to missing data<br> Dimension ranges are: X = 1 163 Y = 1 163 Z = 1 1 T = -71 1<br> Warning issued for variable = rainc.2<br>Data Request Warning: Request beyond file limits<br> Entire grid contents are set to missing data<br> Dimension ranges are: X = 1 163 Y = 1 163 Z = 1 1 T = -71 1<br> Warning issued for variable = rainnc.2<br>Cannot contour grid - all undefined values<br>ga-><br><BR> <BR>But Grads is NOT plotting the data???????<BR> <BR>Kindly advice<br>geeta<BR>                                            </div></body>