* This script creates 2 panels for a global DEM * First panel is a global visualization. * Second panel is a slide along a parallel. * Created by: H. Sala - Instituto Antártico Argentino *Before its execution you should download the file "elev.1-deg.nc" from: * http://www.jisao.washington.edu/data_sets/elevation/ reinit clear 'sdfopen elev.1-deg.nc' 'set grid off' ***Upper pannel**************************************************** *set vpage xmin xmax ymin ymax 'set vpage 0 11 2.5 8.5' 'set grads off' 'set gxout shaded' *set frame on|off|circle 'set frame on' *Defines an arbitrary gray scale to be used for topography. 'set rgb 18 80 80 80' 'set rgb 20 100 100 100' 'set rgb 22 110 110 110' 'set rgb 24 120 120 120' 'set rgb 25 130 130 130' 'set rgb 26 140 140 140' 'set rgb 28 150 150 150' 'set rgb 30 160 160 160' 'set rgb 32 170 170 170' 'set rgb 34 185 185 185' 'set rgb 35 195 195 195' 'set rgb 36 205 205 205' 'set rgb 38 210 210 210' 'set rgb 40 220 220 220' 'set rgb 42 235 235 235' 'set rgb 44 255 255 255' 'set csmooth on' *Sets graphics type 'set gxout shaded' *Asigns gray scale values for different hights 'set clevs 0 250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 6000 7000 8000 8500' 'set ccols 0 18 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 35 36 38 40 42 44' *set xaxis start end 'set xaxis 0 0' *Displays terrain topography as a gray scale 'd data' *Sets the size for the strings 'set strsiz 0.17' *Sets color of the strings 'set string 3' *set line color#