'sdfopen KMOB_V03_20091110_035730.nc' 'open StationPlot-Ida.ctl' 'open bogusgrid.ctl' 'set mpdraw off' *radar colors 'set rgb 99 140 140 116' 'set rgb 20 180 200 255' 'set rgb 21 95 135 255' 'set rgb 22 20 70 230' 'set rgb 23 110 245 75' 'set rgb 24 0 195 0' 'set rgb 25 0 115 0' 'set rgb 26 255 255 0' 'set rgb 27 255 180 48' 'set rgb 28 250 125 0' 'set rgb 29 230 45 0' 'set rgb 30 175 0 0' 'set rgb 31 105 0 0' 'set rgb 32 250 0 200' 'set rgb 33 155 0 250' 'clear' 'set grads off' 'set t 1' *Full picture: 'set lon -88.8 -86.9' 'set lat 29.8 31.3' * Draw the radar data 'set gxout grfill' 'set gxout shaded' 'set mpdset hires' 'set ccols 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33' 'set clevs 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 ' 'd Reflectivity' 'cbarn 1 1' * Draw the station plots 'set gxout model' 'set dignum 1' 'set digsiz 0.10' 'set ccolor 1' 'set cthick 5' * To draw station names: 'set stid on' *'display u;v;t;td;p;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0' *If the barbs do not show up well, convert from m/s to knots 'display u.2*2;v.2*2;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0' * Draw the map, including county lines 'set line 1 1 2' 'draw shp c_07jn12.shp' * Write the time stamp on the map 'q time' *if(time=1|time=5|time=9|time=13|time=17|time=21|time=25|time=29|time=33|time=37|time=41|time=45|time=49|time=53|time=57|time=61|time=65|time=69|time=73|time=77|time=81|time=85|time=89|time=93) hh = substr(result,8,2) mm = 00 dd = substr(result,11,2) *else * hh = substr(result,8,2) * mm = substr(result,11,2) * dd = substr(result,14,2) *endif 'set strsiz 0.20' 'set string 1 l 8 0' 'draw string 2.0 8.2 Temperature (C)' 'draw string 6.0 8.2 ' hh':'mm ' CST 'dd ' Nov 2009' *Draw tropical cyclone symbol if (time=19) lat=28.90 lon=-88.5 'q w2xy 'lon' 'lat xloc=subwrd(result,3) yloc=subwrd(result,6) say xloc say yloc 'draw wxsym 40 'xloc' 'yloc' 0.3 1 8' endif if (time=22) lat=29.30 lon=-88.6 'q w2xy 'lon' 'lat xloc=subwrd(result,3) yloc=subwrd(result,6) say xloc say yloc 'draw wxsym 40 'xloc' 'yloc' 0.3 1 8' endif if (time=25) lat=29.59 lon=-88.8 'q w2xy 'lon' 'lat xloc=subwrd(result,3) yloc=subwrd(result,6) say xloc say yloc 'draw wxsym 40 'xloc' 'yloc' 0.3 1 8' endif if (time=28) lat=29.90 lon=-88.5 'q w2xy 'lon' 'lat xloc=subwrd(result,3) yloc=subwrd(result,6) say xloc say yloc 'draw wxsym 40 'xloc' 'yloc' 0.3 1 8' endif if (time=31) lat=30.30 lon=-88.0 'q w2xy 'lon' 'lat xloc=subwrd(result,3) yloc=subwrd(result,6) say xloc say yloc 'draw wxsym 40 'xloc' 'yloc' 0.3 1 8' endif if (time=34) lat=30.60 lon=-87.6 'q w2xy 'lon' 'lat xloc=subwrd(result,3) yloc=subwrd(result,6) say xloc say yloc 'draw wxsym 40 'xloc' 'yloc' 0.3 1 8' endif *'printim Ida-'hh''mm'CST'dd'May2010.png x1000 y800 white' * This name will sort by name so they can be plotted sequentially in time using ACDSEE *'printim Ida-'time'May2010.png x1000 y800 white' *'printim IdaRadar-'time'.png x1000 y800 white'