Hi all,<br>I have ERA-Interim data in 1.5*1.5 degree resolution and I want to interpolate/regrid it into 1*1 degree resolution. I tried using the function 're' but it displays the message 're not a variable or function name'. I am using grads version 2.0.1. I tried to find the script re.gex as explained here (<a href="http://opengrads.org/doc/udxt/re/re.html">http://opengrads.org/doc/udxt/re/re.html</a>) but couldn't find it. Can you help please?<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>
<p><b><span style="color:#e36c0a"></span></b></p>Sincerely,<br><br><p><b><span style="color:#e36c0a">
<p><b><span style="color:#e36c0a">Sagar P. Parajuli</span></b></p><p><b><span style="color:#e36c0a"></span></b><span style="color:#e36c0a">Graduate
Research Assistant</span></p><p><span style="color:#e36c0a">The University of Texas at
Jackson School of Geosciences<br>e-mail: <a href="mailto:psagar@utexas.edu" target="_blank">psagar@utexas.edu</a></span></p><span style="color:#e36c0a">Contact: +1 512 965 4093</span>