<br clear="all"><br>Hello, I try to write the following script to plot wind vector and magnitude. But, I can't see the wind magnitude. I like a comment on my script here is attached<br> 'reinit'<br>'set display color white'<br>
'c'<br>'set grid off'<br>'set grads off'<br>'sdfopen <a href="http://v850.nc">v850.nc</a>'<br>'sdfopen <a href="http://u850.nc">u850.nc</a>'<br>'set mpdset hires'<br>'set lat -40 40'<br>
'set lon -180 180'<br>'set t 1 3'<br>'set gxout shaded'<br>'d mag(v850.1,u850.2)'<br>'set gxout vector'<br>'d v850.1;u850.2'<br><br>Thank you.<br><br>Sincerely,<br><br>Bedassa<br>