Good Morning,<br><br>I am trying to use GrADS make use of some GEFS re-forecast data that is available in netCDF4 format (attached is one example, which can be accessed from: <a href=""></a>).<br>
<br>Using "sdfopen" I am successfully able to open the file.<br><br>However, only one variable is listed as available in GrADS (called "<b>inttime</b>" see below), even though ncdump indicates there is an additional variable (Pressure), which is what I originally requested from the site. <br>
<br>From GrADS:<br><br><span style="font-family:courier new,monospace">descriptor:<br> Binary:<br> Type = Gridded<br>
Xsize = 63 Ysize = 29 Zsize = 1 Tsize = 1 Esize = 11<br> Number of Variables = 1<br> inttime 0 t time as an integer (YYYYMMDDHH)</span><br><br>I have tried to create a data descriptor file and use xdfopen (see below)...but I can't seem to get past the 'inttime' variable. This file works if I remove the Pressure line, but again limits me to viewing the inttime variable...which is simply the date stored as an integer (2012010100). <br>
<br><span style="font-family:courier new,monospace">DSET<br>TITLE This is a sample USL grid box for Central California<br>UNDEF -9999<br>XDEF lon 63 LINEAR 233.0 1.0<br>
YDEF lat 29 LINEAR 23.0 1.0<br>VARS 1<br>intTime=>intTime 1 99 Pressure<br>Pressure=>Pressure 1 99 Pressure<br>ENDVARS</span><br><br>Does anyone have suggestions on how I might go about getting to the pressure data?<br>
<br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>Justin <br><br>-- <br>Justin Arnott<div>Science and Operations Officer</div><div>National Weather Service</div><div>Gaylord, Michigan <br>---<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
989-731-3384 x766<br></div><br>