Hi,<br><br>I am reposting since I have not heard back about this error. I tried to use g2ctl on gfs forecasts and analysis using a templating option. This did not work as expected for unknown reason. The latest error is similar to the first. Here is what I type:<br>
<br>g2ctl gfs_4_20111216_0000_%f3.grb2 > forecast.ctl<br>gribmap -i forecast.ctl<br><br>but it only reads the first and last time period which are a day apart when I really want all the 6 hr forecasts. I cannot seem to correct this. Attempts to change the template result in errors such as adding %h2, %m2, %d2. This is really driving me nuts and holding back my work. Someone please shed light on this.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Andre Pattantyus, Graduate Student Research Assistant<br>Marine and Environmental Systems, Florida Institute of Technology<br>150 W. University Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901<br><br>Phone: (321) 674-8330 | Fax: (321) 674-7212 | Email: <a href="mailto:apattantyus2008@fit.edu">apattantyus2008@fit.edu</a><br>