Dear users<br> i have calculated stream function using open grads from 1000-10 hPa level using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data ex.1dec2009<br>The grads script give the grd file containing three variable like psi,upsi and vpsi.<br>
Here i have attached the figure. i find mistake in the figure...the programme doesnot undergone integration part, at each level it calculate three variable and finally dispalys.<br> i want to know that whether it is correct or not. how can i modify the programme<br>
'reinit'<br>'sdfopen G:\windows\ncep\uwnd\<a href=""></a>'<br>'sdfopen G:\windows\ncep\uwnd\<a href=""></a>'<br>'set lon 0 357.5'<br>
'set lat -90 90'<br>prompt 'key-in file name for psi:'<br>pull fname<br>'set fwrite 'fname<br>tt=1<br>while (tt<=1)<br>'set t 'tt<br>zz=1<br>while (zz<=17)<br>'set z 'zz<br>'define psi= fish_psi(uwnd,vwnd.2)'<br>
'define one=1+0*lat'<br>'define upsi=mvadv(one,psi)'<br>'define vpsi=-muadv(one,psi)'<br>'set gxout fwrite'<br>'d psi/1e7'<br>'d upsi'<br>'d vpsi'<br>zz=zz+1<br>endwhile<br>
tt=tt+1<br>endwhile<br>'disable fwrite'<br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Resmi E A<br>Research Scholar<br>Cochin university of science and technology<br>Cochin-16<br><br>