Hi, <br>I'm trying to draw stippling/cross hatching on a south polar stereographic map to show statistical significance. I had been using <a href="http://hatch.gs">hatch.gs</a> for my latlon maps but now want to make polar stereographic maps and it doesn't work. <br>
I've also tried this:<br>ga-> set gxout grid <br>ga-> set grid off <br>grid is off<br>ga-> set gridln off <br>ga-> set digsiz 0.02<br>digsiz = 0.02 <br>
ga-> d const(maskout(tval,tval-2.069),0)<br><br>But the dots bunch up towards the pole and it doesn't look very nice...<br>Can anyone suggest an alternative?<br><br>Cheers,<br>Katherine<br><br>