* --------------------------------------------------------------- * gpcp_1dd_v1.1_p1d.ctl * * For big-endian machines, this GrADS .ctl example defines a GrADS * structure with the header and all days in the month file of GPCP 1DD V1.1 * precipitation estimates for October 2000. * * ROUTINE CHANGES NEEDED: * DSET - replace "200706" with the appropriate YYYYMM * TDEF - replace "31" with the number of days in the month being read * - replace "Jun2007" with the appropriate MONYYYY * where * YYYY = 4-digit year * MM = 2-digit month * MON = 3-character month name * * NOTE: This GrADS .ctl file is to be used on BIG-ENDIAN machines. If * working on a little-endian machine, use the .ctl example file * "gpcp_1dd_v1.1_p1d_swap.ctl", or simply change the "options" line * FROM: * options yrev * TO: * options yrev byteswapped * * Change log: * E.J. Nelkin/SSAI 03/11/2008 * G.J. Huffman/SSAI 04/15/2008 Documentation * D.T. Bolvin/SSAI 07/02/2009 1DD V1.1 * --------------------------------------------------------------- * DSET ^/home/jkpr/Desktop/TMI/gpcp_1dd_v1.1_p1d.200706.grd * options yrev byteswapped * UNDEF -99999.0 * FILEHEADER 1440 * TITLE GPCP One-Degree Daily Precipitation * XDEF 360 LINEAR 0.5 1 * YDEF 180 LINEAR -89.5 1 * ZDEF 1 LEVELS 1 * TDEF 30 LINEAR 01Jun2007 1dy * VARS 1 precip 0 99 GPCP 1DD V1.1 Precipitation (mm/day) ENDVARS