Hello,<br><br> I was trying to display 1D time series of wind vectors by the following script. But
the following commands only displayed a curve; rather than 1D time series of wind vectors. Could anyone tell me the right
commands to display 1D time series of wind vectors?<br><br> Thanks much,<br><br> Yi-Chih<br><br>##############<div class="im"><br>
set x 1<br>set y 1<br>set z 1<br>set t 32 40<br>define ua= ave(aave(u, x=19, x=47, y=44, y=72),z=8, z=18)<br>define va= ave(aave(v, x=19, x=47, y=44, y=72),z=8, z=18)<br></div><div class="im">set gxout vector<br>
set arrscl 0.2 10.0<br></div>
d ua;va<br>printim steer_Aug7_00.png white<br>clear<br><br>