Hai,<br><br>I have Levitus 94 potential temperature monthly data file which<br>is in ".cdf" format. I got it from the following link.<br><a href="http://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/SOURCES/.LEVITUS94/.MONTHLY/.theta/?help+datafiles">http://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/SOURCES/.LEVITUS94/.MONTHLY/.theta/?help+datafiles</a><br>
<br>I am using Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.0.a6.<br><br>I can make the contour plot, by using the command "set gxout contour".<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
ga-> sdfopen data.cdf<br>Scanning self-describing file: data.cdf<br>SDF file data.cdf is open as file 1<br>LON set to 0 360 <br>LAT set to -89.5 89.5 <br>LEV set to 0 0 <br>Time values set: 1960:1:16:5 1960:1:16:5 <br>
E set to 1 1 <br>ga-> q file<br>File 1 : <br> Descriptor: data.cdf<br> Binary: data.cdf<br> Type = Gridded<br> Xsize = 360 Ysize = 180 Zsize = 19 Tsize = 12 Esize = 1<br> Number of Variables = 1<br> theta 19 t,z,y,x potential temperature<br>
ga-> set gxout contour<br>ga-> d theta<br>Contouring: -3 to 30 interval 3 <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>But while I try to make the shaded plot, using the command "set gxout shaded",<br>
I am getting the following error message. Please tell me<br>how to solve this problem.<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>File 1 : <br> Descriptor: data.cdf<br>
Binary: data.cdf<br> Type = Gridded<br> Xsize = 360 Ysize = 180 Zsize = 19 Tsize = 12 Esize = 1<br> Number of Variables = 1<br> theta 19 t,z,y,x potential temperature<br>ga-> set gxout shaded<br>ga-> d theta<br>
Contouring: -3 to 30 interval 3 <br><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Logic error 8 in gxshad</span><br style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Error in gxshad</span><br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>