<div>I have been graphing the results from several .ctl files and the color sequence is seemingly random and poor for visualization. The sequence goes black, green, yellow, red, magenta(?), purple, yellow/green, and blue. Yellow is difficult to see no matter how thick the line is as I feared and others have brought to my attention. I have tried several commands to change the color but the only thing that works is when I graph some other variable in its place so that it no longer shows on the graph but this throws off the graph legend. Is there some way to control the color sequence in this case? I have found nothing in the documentation to help with this problem (i.e. set line, set ccols, set cstyle, set rbcols, or running <a href="http://rgbset.gs">rgbset.gs</a>).</div>
<div>Andre<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Andre Pattantyus, Graduate Student Research Assistant<br>Marine and Environmental Systems, Florida Institute of Technology<br>150 W. University Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901<br><br>Phone: <a href="tel:%28321%29%20674-8330" target="_blank" value="+13216748330">(321) 674-8330</a> | Fax: <a href="tel:%28321%29%20674-7212" target="_blank" value="+13216747212">(321) 674-7212</a> | Email: <a href="mailto:apattantyus2008@fit.edu" target="_blank">apattantyus2008@fit.edu</a><br>