Dear Ousmane,<br>
I herewith attach the tar file which contains the
programs required for station data plotting. The processes to be
followed is there in readme.txt. i have checked with your data and it
is working.<br>
First of all you have to run the fortran prgram followed by c program.
Then station map should be created. After that run the grads and call
clim.ctl. Hope this will work for you.. Go through the programmes and
files. If any queries let me know. Best of luck.<br>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Sincerely<br>***********************************************<br>Jayakrishnan.P.R<br>CSIR-Senior Research Fellow<br>Department of Atmospheric Sciences<br>Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Cochin-682 016<br>
Kerala, India.<br>Mob: 09895417565<br><br>***********************************************<br>