Hello,<br>I need help opening a netcdf file to be viewed in Grads.� I've attached it to this email.� I tried sdfopen , but I got this error:<br><br>SDF Error: 365 day calendars are no longer supported by sdfopen.<br>� To open this file with GrADS, use a descriptor file with <br>
� a complete TDEF entry and OPTIONS 365_day_calendar. <br>� Documentation is at <a href="http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/SDFdescriptorfile.html">http://iges.org/grads/gadoc/SDFdescriptorfile.html</a><br><br>So I tried writing a very simple descriptor file:<br>
<br>DSET ^SGS.nc<br>OPTIONS 365_day_calendar<br>TDEF 365 LINEAR 00Z01SEP1996 1dy<br><br>When I tried to open this using xdfopen, I got this error:<br><br>gadxdf error: Missing or invalid dimension size.<br>� --> The invalid description file record is: <br>
� --> tdef 365 linear 00z01sep1996 1dy<br>� The data file was not opened. <br><br>So I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong...or what I'm doing at all, for that matter.� Please help.� The output from ncdump on the file is:<br>
<br>netcdf SGS {<br>dimensions:<br>������� LON = 248 ;<br>������� LAT = 144 ;<br>������� bnds = 2 ;<br>������� TIME = UNLIMITED ; // (12 currently)<br>variables:<br>������� double LON(LON) ;<br>��������������� LON:units = "degrees_east" ;<br>
��������������� LON:modulo = 360. ;<br>��������������� LON:point_spacing = "even" ;<br>��������������� LON:axis = "X" ;<br>������� double LAT(LAT) ;<br>��������������� LAT:units = "degrees_north" ;<br>
��������������� LAT:point_spacing = "uneven" ;<br>��������������� LAT:axis = "Y" ;<br>��������������� LAT:bounds = "LAT_bnds" ;<br>������� double LAT_bnds(LAT, bnds) ;<br>������� double TIME(TIME) ;<br>
��������������� TIME:units = "days since 1996-09-01 00:00:00" ;<br>��������������� TIME:time_origin = "01-SEP-1996 00:00:00" ;<br>��������������� TIME:calendar = "NOLEAP" ;<br>��������������� TIME:axis = "T" ;<br>
��������������� TIME:bounds = "TIME_bnds" ;<br>������� double TIME_bnds(TIME, bnds) ;<br>������� float PRECLIM(TIME, LAT, LON) ;<br>��������������� PRECLIM:missing_value = -1.e+34f ;<br>��������������� PRECLIM:_FillValue = -1.e+34f ;<br>
��������������� PRECLIM:long_name = "(PRECIP[D=1,L=1])" ;<br><br>// global attributes:<br>��������������� :history = "FERRET V6.65�� 30-Mar-11" ;<br>��������������� :Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;<br>
}<br><br>Thanks.<br><br>Jeff Duda<br><br>-- <br>Jeff Duda<br>Iowa State University<br>Meteorology Graduate Student<br>3134 Agronomy Hall<br><a href="http://www.meteor.iastate.edu/~jdduda">www.meteor.iastate.edu/~jdduda</a><br>